Page 102 - InterEnergo - Annual Report 2020
P. 102

Interenergo                       Accounting report                                                                    Interenergo                       Accounting report

            2.8      Significant events after the reporting date                                                                   All other items of the statement of financial position that are not directly attributable to the SGEI activity are
                                                                                                                                   shown under the market activity.

            No significant transactions and events occurred after the reporting date, which would have an impact on the
            financial statements for 2020.                                                                                         2.9.1  Statement of Financial Position by Activity as at

            Events that occurred after 31 December 2020 and are deemed significant for business operations in 2021:                         31 December 2020
            •   Danny Güthlein was on 1 January 2021 appointed as new Chairman of the Supervisory Board to replace
                the previous Chairman, Armin Wiersma, and Manfred Freitag was appointed Deputy Chairman of the                                                                                                           SGEI activity
                Supervisory Board.                                                                                                                                                                                     for heat supply
                                                                                                                                                                                                                      from the district
            •   In March 2021, the Company signed a contract for the purchase of a 51% equity interest in PVE Euroing,               in EUR                                    Total    Market activity  SGEI activity  heating system
                d.o.o.; it will take over the ownership once all the suspensive conditions are met. The Company will in              Assets                               151,567,032     150,509,835        957,931         99,266
                partnership with Trigal, d.o.o. develop a project to build a 30 MW wind farm in the municipality of Bogdanci
                in northern Macedonia.                                                                                                Non-current assets                   95,019,384     94,092,168         876,438         50,778
                                                                                                                                      Intangible assets                      396,683         396,683              0               0
            2.9      Company’s financial statements by activity pursuant to the                                                       Property, plant and equipment         5,563,928       4,636,712        876,438          50,778
                     Services of General Economic Interest Act                                                                        Non-current investments              88,839,837      88,839,837             0               0

                                                                                                                                      Non-current receivables                 55,453          55,453              0               0
            In addition to marketing activities, the Company provided in 2020 public utility service for public lighting and          Deferred tax assets                    163,483         163,483              0               0
            heat supply from the district heating system based on concession contracts (hereinafter: SGEI activities), and            Current assets                       56,547,648     56,417,667          81,493         48,488
            is required to provide separate accounting monitoring of the activity (i.e. performing of the SGEI activities
            under concession contracts) in accordance with provisions of the Services of General Economic Interest Act                Current investments                   4,593,239       4,593,239             0               0
            and Transparency of Financial Relations and Maintenance of Separate Accounts for Different Activities Act,                Derivatives (assets)                  5,293,775       5,293,775             0               0
            in a manner that enables the accounting of costs, expenses and revenue by the principles applicable to                    Trade and other receivables          26,029,010      25,899,029         81,493          48,488
                                                                                                                                      Prepayments, contracts assets and
            Company’s activity is divided into three segments: investments and trading, which are entirely market                     other assets                         11,695,507      11,695,507             0               0
            activities, and energy services, which are partly a market and partly a SGEI activity. In accordance with the             Income tax receivables                 503,902         503,902              0               0
            aforesaid structure, the Company records all revenue, costs and expenses by cost centre, which enables                    Cash and cash equivalents             8,432,215       8,432,215             0               0
            accurate division of all revenue, costs and expenses by segment and simultaneously by type of activities.
            The indirect costs of the segment and Company’s general costs are divided by the different types of activities           Equity and liabilities               151,567,032     151,409,545        148,807          8,680
            according to predefined criteria (division keys).                                                                         Equity                               63,562,437     63,483,169          89,390         -10,122
            The income, expenses and expenses of the SGEI activities shown in the income statement by type of activity                Share capital                        10,200,000      10,200,000             0               0
            thus consist of:                                                                                                          Capital surplus                      65,450,000      65,450,000             0               0
            •   direct revenue, expenses and costs identified by the cost centres of the SGEI activity;                               Legal reserves                          95,722          95,722              0               0

            •   the proportionate share of indirect revenue, expenses and costs of the segment allocated to the SGEI                  Retained losses                     -13,292,010     -13,371,278         89,390         -10,122
                activity based on the appropriate division key; and
                                                                                                                                      Net profit or loss for the period     1,108,725       1,108,725             0               0
            •   the proportionate share of general revenue, expenses and costs of the Company assigned to the SGEI                    Non-current liabilities              62,166,657      62,166,657             0               0
                activity based on the appropriate division key.
                                                                                                                                      Non-current financial liabilities    61,610,638      61,610,638             0               0
            The assets and liabilities of the SGEI activity recorded in the statement of financial position by type of activity       Other current liabilities              556,018         556,018              0               0
            consist of:
                                                                                                                                      Current liabilities                  25,837,939      25,759,719         59,417          18,802
            •   plant and equipment directly assigned to the SGEI activity;
                                                                                                                                      Current financial liabilities         3,074,708       3,074,708             0               0
            •   current receivables arising directly from the SGEI activity;
                                                                                                                                      Derivatives (liabilities)             5,065,860       5,065,860             0               0
            •   current liabilities arising directly from the SGEI activity, and
                                                                                                                                      Trade and other payables             17,697,371      17,619,151         59,417          18,802
            •   net profit or loss as shown in the statement of profit or loss by type of activity.                                   Income tax payables                         0               0               0               0

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