Page 84 - InterEnergo - Annual Report 2020
P. 84

Interenergo                       Accounting report                                                                    Interenergo                       Accounting report

            2.4.10  Cash and cash equivalents                                                                                      Company’s non-current financial liabilities primarily relate to the borrowings granted by KI-Kelag International
                                                                                                                                   in the amount of EUR 60,427,190 (2019: EUR 23,823,066), which bear the fixed interest rates ranging from
                                                                                                                                   1.5% to 3.6% and are not secured. The borrowings mature between 2030 and 2035. The borrowings are used
             in EUR                                                               31 Dec 2020     31 Dec 2019                      for financing investments in projects relating to renewable energy sources based on energy contracting. The
             Cash                                                                   8,432,215       6,055,013                      remaining non-current investments refer to payables arising from the purchase of investments and to leases.
               Bank balances                                                         7,186,073       4,042,838
                                                                                                                                   Movement of non-current financial liabilities
               Cash on other accounts                                                1,176,586       1,767,547
               Short-term deposits                                                     69,555         244,628                        in EUR                                                               31 Dec 2020    31 Dec 2019

                                                                                                                                     Balance at 1 January                                                 24,285,059      29,660,916
            2.4.11 Equity                                                                                                             Increase in borrowings                                               54,344,867      88,705,000

                                                                                                                                      Repayment of borrowings                                             -17,740,743     -91,659,942
             in EUR                                                               31 Dec 2020     31 Dec 2019                         Increase in other non-current financial liabilities                    852,868         470,350
             Equity                                                                63,562,437      62,453,712                         Decrease in other non-current financial liabilities                   -131,413        -191,265
               Share capital                                                        10,200,000      10,200,000                        Other changes                                                               0        -2,700,000
               Capital surplus                                                      65,450,000      65,450,000                       Balance at 31 December                                               61,610,638      24,285,059

               Revenue reserves                                                        95,722          95,722
               Retained losses                                                     -13,292,010     -18,460,101                     Based on the new IFRS 16 standard, the Company discloses in its statement of financial position the non-current
               Profit or loss for the period                                         1,108,725       5,168,092                     labilities from operating and finance leases, in which it acts as lessee of business premises, office furniture
                                                                                                                                   and passenger cars. Non-current lease liabilities are due not later than by the year-end of 2024.

            Revenue reserves comprise legal reserves and capital surplus that arises from additional contributions paid            Movement of non-current lease liabilities
            by the sole shareholder. Profit for the period covers the loss from previous periods.

                                                                                                                                     in EUR                                                                    2020            2019
            Accumulated profit or loss for 2020
                                                                                                                                     Balance at 1 Jan                                                        136,965         248,503
                                                                                                                                      Increase                                                                29,944          49,876
             in EUR                                                                     2020            2019
             Profit for the period                                                   1,108,725       5,168,092                        Changes                                                                   203           -6,748
                                                                                                                                      Interest                                                                 2,028           2,019
             Retained earnings or losses from previous periods                     -13,292,010     -18,460,101
                                                                                                                                      Repayments                                                            -120,863        -156,686
             Accumulated loss                                                      -12,183,285    -13,292,010
                                                                                                                                     Balance at 31 Dec                                                        48,277         136,965

            2.4.12 Non-current financial liabilities
                                                                                                                                   2.4.13 Other non-current liabilities

             in EUR                                                               31 Dec 2020     31 Dec 2019
                                                                                                                                     in EUR                                                               31 Dec 2020    31 Dec 2019
             Non-current financial liabilities                                     61,610,638      24,285,059
                                                                                                                                     Other non-current liabilities                                           556,018       1,165,272
               Non-current borrowings                                               60,427,190      23,823,066
               Non-current lease liabilities                                           48,277         136,965                         Accrued costs                                                          494,093        1,088,482
                                                                                                                                      Long-term deferred costs                                                61,925          76,790
               Other non-current financial liabilities                               1,135,171        325,028

                                                                                                                                   Accrued costs comprise primarily the variable earnings of the employees that are to be paid out in a period
                                                                                                                                   longer than one year.

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