Page 91 - InterEnergo - Annual Report 2020
P. 91

Interenergo  Accounting report  Interenergo  Accounting report

 2.4.20   Amortisation and depreciation expense  2.4.23  Income tax expense

             in EUR                                                                     2020            2019
 in EUR  2020  2019
               Income tax                                                            1,189,395       2,212,750
 Amortisation and depreciation expense  -1,029,100  -795,352
               Deferred tax                                                              685           76,856
 Amortisation of intangible assets  -156,735  -127,491
             Total income tax                                                       1,190,080       2,289,607
 Depreciation of property, plant and equipment  -181,258  -164,786
               Profit or loss before tax                                             2,298,805       7,457,698
 Amortisation of the right of use the assets  -691,107  -503,075
             Current tax pursuant to applicable tax rate                              436,773       1,416,963
 2.4.21  Other operating expenses  Tax effect from increase of the taxable base       761,574         777,131
               Tax effect from decrease of the taxable base                           -26,358         -25,014
               Tax effect from temporary differences                                    8,449          77,749
 in EUR  2020  2019
               Non-deductible foreign tax                                               7,741          35,063
 Other operating expenses  -175,169  -39,120
               Tax effect from previous periods                                         1,902           7,715
 Charges and other levies  -24,055  -20,931
             Total income tax                                                       1,190,080       2,289,607
 Net foreign exchange losses  -129,576  -9,312
             Effective tax rate (in %)                                                51.77%          30.70%
 Other costs  -21,538  -8,877

            The Company does not form deferred tax assets from impairment of investments, as deferred taxes thereunder
 2.4.22  Operating result from financing activites  can be claimed only upon their disposal, which is not planned and thus the Company assesses that the period
            until enforcement is too long and associated with excessive uncertainty.

 in EUR  2020  2019  The Company discloses income tax receivable from the deducting foreign tax for previous periods in the amount
            of EUR 129,052 and from overpaid advances for the reporting period in the amount of EUR 374,850.
 Finance income  3,207,835  2,983,328
 Finance income on interests and loans to subsidiaries  3,204,559  2,979,989
            2.5      Financial instruments and risk management
 Other finance income  3,276  3,339
 Finance costs  -5,250,183  -4,980,129
            Disclosures relating to financial risks (i.e. credit risk, liquidity risk, currency risk, interest rate risk and price
 Costs of impairment of investments  -3,906,237  -3,949,349  risk) are outlined below.
 Costs of borrowings from the parent company   -1,215,047  -861,400
            3.5.1  Credit risk
 Finance costs of loans from others  -72,206  -76,828
 Net foreign currency exchange losses  -52,592  -88,930  Credit risk is the risk that a client included in a financial instrument will default, as well as the risk that a bank
 Finance lease expenses   -4,102  -3,622  will default.
 Operating result from financing activities  -2,042,348  -1,996,801  The largest item among financial assets that are exposed to credit risk are in terms of value the non-current
            loans granted to subsidiaries, while the trade receivables are the second largest item. In 2020, 75% (2019:
            69%) of trade receivables, exclusive of subsidiaries and parent companies, were secured with credit insurance
 Finance costs for impairment of investments refer to the impairment of an investment in the amount of EUR   and other forms of credit insurance.
 3,906,237 (Notes and

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