Page 58 - InterEnergo - Annual Report 2020
P. 58

Interenergo                       Accounting report                                                                    Interenergo                       Accounting report

            1.4      Statement of Cash Flows for 2020                                                                              1.5      Statement of Changes in Equity for 2020

             in EUR                                                    Note            2020             2019                                                                                        Retained    Profit or
             Cash flows from operating activities                                                                                                                  Share      Capital      Legal   earnings or   loss for the
                                                                                                                                     in EUR                       capital    surplus    reserves      losses      period  Total equity
               Profit or loss before tax                                           2,298,805        7,457,698
                                                                                                                                     Balance at 31 Dec 2019    10,200,000  65,450,000     95,722  -18,460,101  5,168,092  62,453,712
               Adjustments                                                         1,784,756         618,424
               Amortisation/Depreciation                              2.4.20        1,029,100         795,352                         Total comprehensive
                                                                                                                                      income for the period           0           0           0           0    1,108,725   1,108,725
               Impairment of trade receivables and contract assets                     1,103            4,697
               Impairment of investments                               2.4.3        3,906,237        3,949,349                        Net profit for 2020             0           0           0           0     1,108,725  1,108,725
               Finance income                                         2.4.22       -3,207,835       -2,983,328                        Changes within equity           0           0           0    5,168,092   -5,168,092         0
               Finance costs                                          2.4.22        1,343,946        1,030,780                        Allocation of profit to other
                                                                                                                                      equity components               0           0           0     5,168,092  -5,168,092         0
               Change in fair value                                    2.4.7        2,296,328       -2,421,339
               Income tax paid                                        2.4.23       -3,584,123         242,913                        Balance at 31 Dec 2020    10,200,000  65,450,000     95,722  -13,292,010  1,108,725  63,562,437
               Change in working capital                                           -1,785,777       2,629,862
               Change in non-current receivables                       2.4.4           3,677            8,358                      Accounting policies and notes form a constituent part of the Company’s financial statements.
               Change in trade and other receivables                   2.4.8         799,711        11,430,544
               Change in prepayments, contract assets and other assets  2.4.9      -4,258,132       11,244,395                     1.6      Statement of Changes in Equity for 2019
               Change in other non-current liabilities                2.4.13        -609,254          942,599
               Change in trade and other payables                     2.4.15        2,278,221      -20,996,034
               Cash generated from operating activities                            2,297,784       10,705,984                                                                                       Retained    Profit or
                                                                                                                                                                   Share      Capital      Legal   earnings or   loss for the
             Cash flows from investing activities                                                                                    in EUR                       capital    surplus    reserves      losses      period  Total equity
               Cash proceeds from investing activities                             2,916,539        7,251,096
                                                                                                                                     Balance at 31 Dec 2018    10,200,000  65,450,000     95,722  -14,249,476  -4,210,626  57,285,620
               Interest received                                      2.4.22        1,947,267        3,017,345
                                                                                                                                      Total comprehensive
               Dividends received                                                         0                0
                                                                                                                                      income for the period           0           0           0           0    5,168,092   5,168,092
               Cash proceeds from sale of property, plant and equipment  2.4.1, 2.4.2  19,272          32,804
                                                                                                                                      Net profit for 2019             0           0           0           0     5,168,092  5,168,092
               Cash proceeds from repayment of loans granted      2.4.3, 2.4.6       950,000         4,200,947
               Cash disbursements from investing activities                       -38,670,635     -16,704,625                         Changes within equity           0           0           0    -4,210,626  4,210,626          0
               Acquisition of intangible assets and property, plant and                                                               Allocation of profit to other
               equipment                                          2.4.1, 2.4.2     -2,148,563       -1,271,147                        equity components               0           0           0    -4,210,626   4,210,626         0
               Acquisition of subsidiaries                        2.4.3, 2.4.6    -10,964,173       -2,622,823                       Balance at 31 Dec 2019    10,200,000  65,450,000     95,722  -18,460,101  5,168,092  62,453,712
               Increase in loans granted                          2.4.3, 2.4.6    -25,557,899      -12,810,655
               Cash from (used in) investing activities                           -35,754,095      -9,453,530                      Accounting policies and notes form a constituent part of the Company’s financial statements.
             Cash flows from financing activities
               Cash proceeds from financing activities                            56,844,867       90,448,154
               Proceeds from contributions of capital                                     0                0
               Proceeds from financial liabilities               2.4.12, 2.4.14    56,844,867       90,448,154
               Cash disbursements from financing activities                       -21,011,355     -92,855,658
               Interest paid                                          2.4.22       -1,341,702       -1,025,300
               Payment of lease liabilities                      2.4.12, 2.4.14     -187,053         -170,416
               Repayment of financial liabilities                2.4.12, 2.4.14   -19,482,600      -91,659,942
               Cash from (used in) financing activities                           35,833,513       -2,407,504
             Opening balance of cash and cash equivalents                          6,055,013        7,210,063
             Change in cash and cash equivalents                                    2,377,202       -1,155,050
             Closing balance of cash and cash equivalents                          8,432,215        6,055,013

            Accounting policies and notes form a constituent part of the Company’s financial statements.

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