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Wind, the future of green energy

Wind power is an important source of renewable energy, providing green energy. This technology plays an important role in meeting the EU goal of reducing net greenhouse gas emissions by at least 55% by 2030.

Interenergo is dedicated to expanding its renewable energy portfolio in the coming years, with an ambition to grow its presence in wind energy production.

We are partnering with developers, wind turbine owners, and municipalities on wind power plant projects, from planning and managing the permitting to installation, financing, and energy management support.

In the following years, we plan to invest in more than 300 MW of additional renewable energy capacity, which will, along with the existing infrastructure, generate more than 850 GWh of electricity annually.


  • Experienced in developing, planning, installing and operating wind turbines.
  • Our focus is on wind projects with a long-term perspective.
  • Dedicated to expanding our renewable energy portfolio.
  • Expert and professional team.
  • Present in 7 markets in the SEE region.
  • Part of the Kelag Group, one of the leading energy companies in Europe for renewable energy sources.


wind farms


operating in SEE region




of wind renewable energy in operation / installed




of CO2 emissions saved



power produced in 2024

Our solutions

For Developers
Developing a new wind project and looking for a partner?
For Land owners
Are you a private owner, municipality, or company with suitable land for wind projects?
For Power Producers
Are you looking for a partner for your wind turbine projects or interested in selling your wind power plant?


WPP Jasenice

Technology: Wind Power Plant

Location: Croatia

Peak capacity: 10,00 MW

Status: in operation

Start-Up: 2020

PP Jasenice was the company’s first investment in wind technology. It was built on a degraded area and later further revitalized with a solar park. The wind park is located in the foothills of the mighty Velebit Mountains, known for their extreme bora wind gusts, which presented a challenge in terms of development, installation, and operation.

WPP Orjak

Technology: Wind Power Plant

Location: Croatia

Peak capacity: 10,00 MW

Status: in operation

Start-Up: 2023

Wind Park Orjak, located in Croatia, was our 2nd investment in wind technology. It was originally built by BayWa and was later transferred to our portfolio in the operation phase. Located in a geographically exposed mountain range, it presents another set of technical challenges and is increasing our operation and maintenance know-how daily.

Success Story

Wind and solar synergy in Interenergo’s project in Croatia’s Jasenice

In the hinterland of the Adriatic shore, near the Croatian city of Zadar, Interenergo has executed a transformative project that stands as a testament to the company's technical expertise and commitment to sustainable energy solutions.

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