Page 41 - InterEnergo - Annual Report 2020
P. 41

Interenergo  Business report  Interenergo    Business report

 Energy services  A series of signed contracts for energy-saving   Donations:
            renovation in Slovenian municipalities was followed   •   Chamber music society Amadeus,
            by a contract for the renovation of public lighting
 Annual revenue from sale of energy services  Prevention of CO₂ emissions from energy   in the municipality of Radoviš in North Macedonia,   •   Rotary Club Ljubljana,
 in EUR thousand  contracting projects in tons  which  is  our  first  project  started  abroad  by  a   •   Lions club Ljubljana
            subsidiary. In the municipality, which is 600 km2   •   Institution Klasika.
            in size, we have replaced existing old luminaires of   Sponsorships:
            various types with LED luminaires, which consume
 2019  2020  2019  2020  less electricity, require less maintenance, have a   •   Association of Students of Computer Science
            longer service life and are more environmentally       and Informatics,
 340  817  2,200  4,200  friendly. We are constantly looking for and expanding   •   Zlati kamen 2020, Planet GV,
            a range of similar potential projects.             •   Ljubljana Festival.
            We are in constant contact with end consumers
            through energy services – this is why we adjusted   Media
            communication in this part, based on the option that
 Annual electricity savings from the energy   The number of trees needed for absorption
 contracting projects in MWh  consumers can constantly be informed about all   Communication is key for good business and
            key data related to the realization of the contractual   cooperation with all stakeholders, so we regularly
            relationship through web applications and telephone   cooperate with Slovenian and foreign media. We
                                                               work transparently and build such a relationship
 2019  2020  2020                                              externally, we communicate in an open and
            Local communities                                  informative way.
 4,500   7,600  126,000                                        Since 2020, we have been present on the social
            We act in a way that is socially responsible and   network LinkedIn, where we inform about our
            our investments maintain or increase the quality   projects, important events, received awards and
            of life in the immediate environment and beyond.   participation in conferences, as well as other
            By investing in the renovation of energy systems,   important events.
 Annual revenues from the sale of energy services in   The new system will provide year-round financial   we strive to improve the quality of living in public
 2020 amounted to EUR 817,000, which is 140 percent   savings of 66 percent and annual energy savings   and private buildings, reduce energy consumption
 more than in 2019, when sales revenues amounted   of 354 MWh. CO  emissions will be reduced by 140   Professional and trade
 2          costs, increase the reliability of systems and improve
 to  EUR  340,000.  Actual  annual  energy  savings   tons annually – to absorb this, more than 4,200 trees   the quality of air in the environment. For energy   associations
 through energy contracting projects amounted to   would be needed.  services, we always work with local partners and
 7,600 MWh in 2020, and annual financial savings to   We continued to implement energy efficient and   thus strengthen the local economy.  We see our mission in cooperation with various
 EUR 881,000. This year, we reduced CO₂ emissions   environmentally friendly projects in the field of heat   associations, in which we assert common interests in
 by 4,200 tons, which is equivalent to the amount   production and outdoor and indoor LED lighting,   By investing in unit production in the Balkans through   the field of energy and economy. With our experience,
 absorbed by 126,000 trees annually. We continued to   and updated our range of technologies with the   subsidiaries, we encourage the development of these   knowledge and support, we can also accelerate the
 invest in energy contracting and other technologies   implementation  of  the  cooling  project  (Elan).  In   areas. We indirectly provide jobs, thus improving   transition to climate neutrality and the development
 in Slovenia.  the social situation of the local population, and we   of a green, smart and technologically advanced
 2019, we had seven such projects, and in 2020, 12   contribute to the standard of living by improving the
 According to the model of energy contracting, which   new projects in which we invested approximately   infrastructure when building new production units.   Slovenia. In addition to permanent memberships, we
 provides energy savings based on the repayment   5 million euros. With the acquisition of Ekoenergo,   By constructing small hydroelectric power plants,   support the national alliance for a green economic
 of investments in energy efficiency directly from   d.o.o., and Osen toplota, d.o.o., we increased our   we also establish flood protection.  recovery plan, which is actively addressing the
 the saved energy costs, we energetically renovated   portfolio of district heating systems – Ekoenergo,   challenges posed by the COVID-19 pandemic for
 the Secondary School of Economics, Services and   d.o.o., produces heat from wood biomass for district   Donations and sponsorships are an important   our economy.
 Construction of the School Centre Kranj. In three   heating of prisons in Dob and electricity from biomass   way for us to connect with the local community in   Memberships:
 months, we replaced an old uneconomical boiler   cogeneration plants for sale on the market, and Osen   which we operate. In 2020, we financially supported
 room with an energy-efficient one, which will use   heat, d.o.o., takes care of the production and supply   charitable organisations, cultural organisations and   •   Chamber of Commerce and Industry of
 a highly efficient heat pump in combination with   of thermal energy in the municipality of Pivka.  educational and research organisations.  Slovenia,
 a natural gas condensing boiler to produce heat.              •   Centre for Energy Efficient Solutions – CER,
                                                               •   Slovenian Chamber of Engineers,
                                                               •   Slovenian Economic Association.

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