Page 42 - InterEnergo - Annual Report 2020
P. 42

Interenergo                       Business report                                                                      Interenergo                       Business report

            Employees                                                                                                              The transfer of knowledge and the involvement of   Remuneration in the company consists of permanent
                                                                                                                                   young people in professional training are crucial for
                                                                                                                                                                                      and variable work, which ensures the connection
                                                                                                                                   the common future of the wider society, so every   between the efficiency of the work of an individual
                                                                                                                                   year we offer the possibility of doing internships   employee and the amount of their salary. Variable
                                                                                                                                   and student work. Students are assigned a mentor   reward systems are tailored to the nature of the work
            Structure of employees by gender and number        Educational structure                                               with whom they learn the basics of the professional   and provide an incentive for proactive action and
                                                                                                                                   field and upgrade their knowledge with practical   employee engagement. At Interenergo, we implement
                                                                                                                                   experience. Student employment often develops into   the principle of equal pay for all employees and
                                                                                             On 31     On 31
                                                                Level                     December   December                      long-term collaboration with full-time employment.   provide equal opportunities for remuneration for
                                                                                              2020      2019                       In 2020, an average of 7.6 students performed      efficiently performed work.
                                                                                                                                   student work (2019: 8.3).
                     28                       16                Secondary school (V)            1          3

                                                                1st level university (VI.1, VI.2)  17     20
                                                                                                                                   Knowledge and experience
                                                                2nd level university (VII.)     17        19

                    2019                     2020               Master's degree (VIII.1)        2          1
                                                                                                                                   For the purposes of trading, we actively develop and   have developed a self-learning system for predicting
                     37                       44                Doctoral degree (VIII.2)        0          1                       use artificial intelligence to predict fundamental   heat consumption for 24 hours in advance, which
                                                                                                                                   factors and price movements for various energy     we already use on our district heating (DO) systems,
                                                                Students                        7          7
                                                                                                                                   sources and financial instruments. We also use     where artificial intelligence helps to save money. The
                                                                                                                                   machine learning or artificial intelligence for more   project manager, who obtained the title of European
                                                                                                                                   efficient  management  of  energy  consumption     Energy Manager (EUREM) for the project, presented
            Employees are a key stakeholder in Interenergo.    we also performed some work at the company’s                        in the energy services department and for the      our innovative project of using artificial intelligence
            They are the fundamental lever of our development,   headquarters and on various other locations, where                preparation of simulations and production forecasts   in the system (DO) at the Environmental Meeting
            the key to realization of promises to stakeholders   it was necessary.                                                 in the investment department, which enables us     conference and received the third prize for the best
            and the transfer of our values. In return for their   The year 2020 was marked by several online trainings             to make better decisions. We connect with other    innovation in energy solutions for 2020.
            contribution, employees are not only entitled to   in the field of finance, accounting, marketing and                  professionals, exchange knowledge and promote
            material compensation, but we also enable them to   learning about new computer environments and                       the development of artificial intelligence.        Business compliance
            develop their careers and gain new knowledge and   tools. Additional training was provided by department
            experience, which helps them raise their own value   heads who attended various lectures on the topic of               In the department of analytics and information
            on the labour market. All this is provided not only   successful leadership. The average number of hours               technology, our employees have the necessary       The  compliance  management  system  (CMS)  of
            through teamwork in a positive work atmosphere, but   of education and training per employee is 24 hours.              knowledge to develop and upgrade existing models   the Kelag Group and its subsidiaries, including
            also through team building activities, opportunities   For the first time, team building was held only within          as well as innovative ideas. In 2020, they developed   Interenergo, has been certified in accordance with
            for additional education, support for joint sports   departments due to preventive health measures.                    business support applications, such as the Liquidity   the Austrian standard ONR 192050 since 2014, and
            activities and also participation in events that we   Despite a period full of business and personal                   tool, and continued the introduction of automation   since 2016 in accordance with the international
            sponsor.                                                                                                               into reporting systems, which we introduced in 2019   standard ISO 19600: Austrian Standards - Fair
                                                               challenges, measurements of the organisational                      due to business growth and the need for better risk   Business Compliance Certificate. The certificates
            At the end of 2020, Interenergo had 44 full-time   climate showed above-average satisfaction.  We                      management.                                        confirm that the certificate holder implements an
            employees, which is seven more than in the previous   encourage our employees to lead a healthy lifestyle,                                                                effective compliance management system and meets
            year.  We  employ  new  staff  in  proportion  to  the   so we enable them to visit the gym for free, and              In 2020, we continued to optimize and automate     the requirements of the reference document, which
            growth of the company and the need for continuous   they always have fresh seasonal fruit, water and                   business support processes and began developing    includes areas of risk: anti-corruption legislation,
            development in the professional and innovation field.   coffee available at the company’s headquarters. We             a  five-year  strategy  in  the  field  of  information   data protection law, antitrust law, unfair competition
            The company is adapting to new requirements of the   have introduced a system of employee workplace                    technology to maximize the digitalization of business   law and public procurement law. The annual audit is
            environment and the wider society, so during the   health and safety training, which is according to legal             processes at all levels. We monitor the development   performed by Austrian Standards plus GmbH.
            pandemic we switched to work from home without     provisions attended by all employees.                               of new technologies and introduce them into our
            problems. As energy is a critical infrastructure,                                                                      business in a meaningful way, while at the same
                                                                                                                                   time developing our own innovative solutions. We

            40    Integrated Annual Report 2020                                                                                                                                                       Integrated Annual Report 2020  41
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