Page 44 - InterEnergo - Annual Report 2020
P. 44

Interenergo                       Business report                                                                      Interenergo                       Business report

            Environmental liability                                                                                                Financial management

            In accordance with our focus on providing electricity   heating and preparation of sanitary drinking water.            In 2020, the company was marked by a markedly      standardized futures contracts, which brought the
            from renewable sources, we have been investing     In  the  field  of  heat,  we  strive  to  use  renewable           increased and development-oriented investment      company a significant reduction in credit risk and
            intensively in green technologies directly or through   energy sources and industrial waste heat. Regular              activity in the segment of investments in RES and   more market opportunities due to greater liquidity
            subsidiaries  for  more  than  ten  years,  at  first   emissions measurements are serving as proof of                 also in the segment of energy services. We have    of these markets compared to physical ones. As
            exclusively in hydropower and solar energy, and    the environmental integrity of our district heating                 invested as much as EUR 36.9 million in investments   revenues from electricity trading on the financial
            from 2019 also in wind energy. We are constantly   systems. These measurements have so far always                      and new projects, which is approximately twice the   markets are shown in the netted amount, the
            looking for energy solutions that go in the direction   confirmed that all emissions from our systems are              usual  investment activity  in  previous years.  We   revenues in the company’s financial statements are
            of the transition to a low-carbon society, and strive   at least five times lower than the limit values.               invested the most in projects in the field of electricity   lower, which is only due to a different presentation
            to produce clean energy from water, wind and       In 2020, we joined the Centre for Energy Efficient                  production from renewable energy sources, namely   of revenues generated on the financial markets
            sun, which are environmentally friendly sources.   Solutions (CER), a network of advanced companies                    a total of EUR 31.3 million, of which EUR 23.7 million   compared to those generated on the physical market.
            In various areas of business, we are introducing   and organisations from various sectors that strive                  in wind technology projects, EUR 7.2 million in hydro   Although the business performance in 2020 did not
            digitalization and new technologies that have positive   for a leading role in promoting and developing                technology projects and EUR 0.4 million in solar   reach the level of 2019, which was exceptional, it
            effects on the environment.                                                                                            technology projects. In addition, we invested EUR 5.6
                                                               a climate-neutral economy. At their invitation,                                                                        was significantly higher than the long-term average,
            Slovenia is a country enriched with forests, and   we joined the alliance for a green, smart and                       million in energy systems, of which EUR 2.6 million in   despite the extraordinary situation in connection
            almost all municipalities have a part of the territory   technologically advanced Slovenia. We also joined             district heating systems and EUR 3 million in energy   with the global pandemic; the company managed
            overgrown with forests, which theoretically        the “Tap Water” initiative and committed ourselves                  contracting projects.                              to generate EBITDA of EUR 5.4 million, which clearly
            represents the potential of wood biomass.          to encouraging and raising the awareness of our                     In the field of electricity trading, we continued to shift   shows the robustness and sustainability of the
            Interenergo’s  district  heating  systems  use  flat   employees, partners, subcontractors and other                   trading from the previously predominantly physical   company’s business model.
            wood biomass in the form of wood chips or pellets,   stakeholders, that drinking tap water is healthier                electricity supply market to financial trading with
            which are a domestic and renewable energy source.   and more environmentally friendly than reaching
            Therefore, more and more municipalities are opting   for pre-packaged water.
            for a wood biomass district heating system for space                                                                   Figure: Structure of investments by type of technology in 2020 in EUR million

                                                                                                                                       2.97; 8%                                                                         0.12; 0%

                                                                                                                                       2.59; 7%

                                                                                                                                       0.36; 1%

                                                                                                                                       7.19; 20%                                                                      23.67; 64%

                                                                                                                                      Wind     Hydro   Solar    District heating systems  Other energy systems  Other

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