Page 35 - InterEnergo - Annual Report 2020
P. 35

                                              Business report
 Interenergo  Business report  Interenergo    Business r eport

 Customers  Figure: Presence on markets and energy exchanges


 Trading volume of the company in TWh  Revenue from electricity trading in EUR million

 2019  2020  2019  2020

 26.4*  22.9*  699.3  458.9
                              DE                CZ


 * Inclusive of traded volume for own and foreign account.
                                               AT              HU
 In 2020, we exceeded the estimated plan in the field   We signed our first stand-alone Power Purchasing   RO
 of electricity trading and thus continued the trend of   Agreement (PPA) for the purchase of electricity from   SI  HR
 successful trading. The amount of electricity traded   a Hungarian wind farm with a nominal capacity of
 at the company level reached 22.9 TWh. Realized   10 MW, which is an indicator of our successful work
 revenues from electricity trading of the company in   and contribution to a green and sustainable economy   BA  RS
 2020 amounted to EUR 458.9 million, which is 35   in the European Union. Contracts for the purchase   BG
 percent less than in 2019. The main reason for the   of energy produced from renewable energy sources   ME  XK
 decrease is that the company transferred part of the   are crucial in supporting the transition to a green   IT
 electricity trading from the physical market, where   economy, as the period of state support schemes   MK
 it trades through energy exchanges and commodity   and state financing of RES projects for electricity
 forwards directly with partners, to the financial   generation is coming to an end. Interenergo thus
 market, where  it trades  standardized  futures   enables  investors  in  renewable  energy  sources   GR
 contracts on the EEX, revenues and expenses from   access to market prices and other services for the
 this address are shown in the company’s financial   economical operation of the renewable energy power
 statements in netted amounts, while revenues and   plant.
 expenses from trading on the physical market are   Our presence on the markets and energy exchanges
 shown in the company’s financial statements in   did not change in 2020: we were present in Slovenia,
 gross amounts. The achieved result was also marked   Austria, Italy, Germany, North Macedonia, Serbia,
 by high volatility across markets and uncertainty due   Montenegro, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Greece,
 to the COVID-19 pandemic.
 Romania, Switzerland, Bulgaria, Croatia, Hungary,
 Electricity trading is one of the core activities of   Czech Republic and Slovakia. We also traded on the
 Interenergo, which is why accurate and reliable   European energy exchange EEX.  EPEX Spot  German power exchange  CROPEX  Croatian power exchange
 estimations  of  electricity consumption are of   EEX  European Energy Exchange  OPCOM  Romanian power exchange
 key importance to us. In 2020, we invested in the
 further development of our own analytical models   OTE  Czech power exchange  SEEPEX  Serbian power exchange
 of algorithmic operations and tools to support   OKTE  Slovak power exchange  IBEX  Bulgarian power exchange
 trading. Algorithmic trading provides us with a big   Swissgrid  Swiss power grid  GME  Italian power exchange
 competitive advantage in this area.
             HUPX            Hungarian power exchange           HENEX           Greek power exchange
             BSP Southpool   Slovenian power exchange

 32  Integrated Annual Report 2020                                             Integrated Annual Report 2020  33
                                                                               Integrated Annual Report 2020
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