Page 31 - InterEnergo - Annual Report 2020
P. 31

Interenergo  Business report  Interenergo    Business report

 Business model  Sustainable development

 Interenergo’s business model is based on the   ethics, and last but not least, the employees of   Interenergo operates in accordance with the   Compliance with the principles
 intertwining of three pillars of activities, trading,   Interenergo. We create this value in cooperation   Group’s existing strategy for the period 2018–2022
 electricity generation and energy services with key   with the environment, with key stakeholders and   and considers the company’s sustainable goals.   of sustainable reporting
 Interenergo capitals, which activate these pillars   especially for these stakeholders. The key ones   The strategy, based on three key pillars, such as
 and thus create added value for the stakeholders.   among them are not only suppliers, customers and   investments in the construction of energy facilities   In external support to the philosophy of sustainable
 The key capitals are material resources (natural,   users, but also other stakeholder groups, indirect   for the production of energy from renewable   development and in support of reporting, we use:
 production and financial), experience and business   users of the added value generated by Interenergo.  sources, energy services and electricity trading,
            pursues sustainable development, which we see as   •  the goals of the United Nations, which are
            business excellence and environmental and social       becoming a universal standard for sustainable
 Figure: Business model  responsibility.                           development and represent a plan for resolving

            We think of sustainable development primarily as       the global crisis in an agreed, just and
            the harmonious development or growth of all six        environmentally friendly way;
            capitals that the company has at its disposal. As this
            coherence is a dynamic equilibrium, a necessary    •  the  GRI  G4  (Global  Reporting  Initiative)
            consequence of the sustainable orientation is that     international guidelines, which represent the
            different capitals grow with different dynamics in     world’s most widespread model of sustainable
            different periods. At a time of greater investment     reporting and are based on measurable indicators
            in new resources for the development of social,        of  the  economic,  social  and  environmental
            human and intellectual capital, such as 2020, it is    impact of the organisation;
            not surprising that financial capital is consequently
            slightly behind. In the next period, investments in   •  Integrated Reporting Council guidelines, which
                                                                   encourage a concise presentation of ways of
            the development of digitalization, new staff and
            especially new services that will benefit users, will   creating and increasing value for diverse
            lead to disproportionate growth of financial capital,
            while due to our business philosophy we expect a
            lasting positive growth of effects on natural capital.
            This philosophy has been the driving force behind the
            development of Interenergo so far and will continue
            to be so.

            Figure: Sustainable development goals

 Trading  Production of electricity  Energy services

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